Following God's Cue

Lovely ladies of She Captivates! So much to tell you all in one little blog.
Let me first start with this: my summer has been a beautiful, adventurous, growing experience. Though I have continued working full time, I have, by the grace of God, found so many opportunities to take trips, go to concerts and hear from Jesus on future plans.
What I want to talk to you ladies about in this blog is that sometimes, more often than most, we try to seek the Lord with all our hearts, and we want to have a one on one relationship with him, am I right? So having a real relationship is having two way conversations, both speaking and hearing. I've always struggled with the listening part, because let's face it, I feel strong when I am in control of the conversation. All of this being said, for the past 5 years or so I have had a huge desire to work in Hollywood as a makeup artist. I have just really felt The Lord tugging my heart in that direction. With this excitement and the possibilities have also come a lot of fear and doubt. However, near the end of July I had an amazing opportunity come up to travel to California for 5 days and really experience the state. I prayed that The Lord would open doors and speak to me while I was there. I prayed that He would tell me if I was suppose to move there to pursue my career in Hollywood and take my ministry out there. I went in full expectation of meeting Him there. And I did. However, He didn't really tell me what I wanted specified. Isn't that so funny how He works? We go in expecting one thing, and He takes our small little plans and shows us just a little glimpse of His big, mighty plan! What a humbling experience.
Today, my blog is short and simple. Ladies, sometimes we feel something so passionate that we get stuck on praying over that one answer. "Reveal yourself to me, Lord, in this exact area." We get so lost in that one desire, in that one answer, that we box Him in. Does this mean that suddenly I do not want to pursue working in Hollywood? Not true! If anything, He increased the desire. But, He brought clarity on the season He has me in and what He wants me to do right now in this season.
Pursue His will. Ask that your desires match His and that He will guide you in each step that you take. When praying, try not to box Jesus in, we cannot even fathom His plans.
Praying for you ladies. Love you all.
The journey is a magical one!
All the love,