Seeing Through the Light

This summer in the midst of moving and craziness, I somehow found myself in Scotland for 10 days. And wow, what a beautiful experience. If you need a reminder that our God created an awesome and intricate planet, book a flight to Scotland. For real.
And don’t miss the Highlands.
One day while we were riding through the Highlands, the Lord taught me a really sweet (and simple) lesson that I’ll hold dear to my heart forever. What lesson was that? To see others the way that the Lord sees me.
Now hold on… How in the world did a bunch of mountains teach you a lesson about withholding judgment from others and instead viewing them with the Lord’s heart and eyes, Ginger? That’s crazy! I’m not seeing the connection… (PS. Yes, I read minds too haha.)
The answer… One word: LIGHT.
As we rode through some of the most beautiful scenery I’ve ever seen, something magical happened. Out of nowhere the gray skies parted and left us looking out the window to a cloudless blue sky full of light. The greens that I couldn’t image getting any greener did. What was once a beautiful sight became RADIANT. It went from ordinary to extraordinary. From old to new. From good to really really really great.
And that’s when I got the goosebumps and felt the Lord nudge at my heartstrings. Because that’s the way He sees us. We’re lovely without His light in our lives, but when we let His light enter our hearts, we become more exquisite than the mind could ever think imaginable before. He sees us as radiant, extraordinary, shiny new, and really really really great. And we’re called as women of Christ to see others through His light too.
After all, we are children of LIGHT (John 12:36), His word is a LIGHT on our path (Psalm 119:105), and He asks us to let our LIGHT shine before others to glorify Him (Matthew 5:16).
If we walk through life with a lens of darkness or even a lens of dim light, we are missing out on the best of people. When we instead put on the lens of light that our Father sees us through, our relationships grow deeper, our hearts grow larger, and we may even see ourselves in a whole new light. This lens is only available through a relationship with the Lord.
Challenge: Pray that God will illuminate some of the ways He sees your beauty. Then pray that He will illuminate the way you see the people around you as children of light.
(The photos for this post were taken by me exactly 2 minutes apart. Photo 1… no sunshine (light) but it’s still nice to look at. Photo 2… 2 minutes later the skies part and WOW. It’s amazing what 2 minutes can do for a change of heart and perspective.)