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Why I'm Praying Like Ke$ha

Let me just first start off with this... I don't know your heart. You do not know mine. In fact, there are those around us that may think that they know what their heart and intentions are but really it does not even come close. The same goes for ourselves. But, God He knows. He knows our actions, our thoughts that go along with our actions, our intentions, more so than we know even know. I bring this up because the title of this post may FREAK people out.... AND I am OK with that. It does not put my panties in a twist. I say these things, because we do not TRULY know the hearts of those around (although we maybe correct in our assumption with most folks we encounter and know) the same goes for celebrities and pop stars. Which leads me to...


Ke$ha. She just came out with a pretty daring song and it really spoke to my heart. But, guess what? No, she is not a Christian artist and no I have no idea if she has a relationship with Jesus. But, one thing I do know is that God does speaks to us all even when we don't initially see it. He knows our hearts---truly & genuinely. He forever surrounds us with HIS presence whether it be in situations or just looking at a breathtaking sunset. One thing remains true, He is there always providing; always standing by our side.

In Ke$ha's new song "Praying" there is such maturity and vulnerability. It is beautiful, inspiring and heart wrenching all at the same time because I am sure like Ke$ha we have all been there before. Maybe not quite like Ke$ha in her situation (which was insane by the way) but similar in that someone may or may not have intentionally hurt you and there was a point for you to forgive or hold a grudge. We have all been there.

Now, before I get started I want to make clear that this post is about the lyrics and what the artist is stating. I am sure you are thinking, didn't you watch the video? And yes, yes I did and there were symbols and other things that did not match up with Christianity but that does not change the fact that her words in the video were powerful. And I am sure if she praying to God then He is listening. God is always listening no matter where we are in our walk with Him. It is not a game where He keeps score because loving someone like God loves us (human beings) involves a whole a lot of grace and He is full of it.

I truly, urge y'all to check out the song and listen to it in it's entirety. The chorus really stuck out to me and a couple other parts - check it out:

"I hope you're somewhere praying, praying

I hope your soul is changing, changing

I hope you find your peace

Falling on your knees, praying

Oh, Sometimes, I pray for you at night

Someday, maybe you'll see the light

Oh, sometime, in life, you're gonna get what you give

But some things, only God can forgive...."

Uhm can we say powerful statements? Get it Ke$ha. But, seriously when I listened to this song it made me tear up. This woman (Ke$ha) had been put through the ringer, abused, beaten down and yet she was singing about praying for someone and them in turn praying as well. There was a hope for change, peace and falling on one's knees in prayer. I don't know about you but when I am praying and on my knees it is a humbling experience. But, do you know what the coolest part of this is? It's that God tells us to do this... He tells us to pray for one another especially our enemies.

Luke 6:27-28 (to verses 36 are on point)

"But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."

1 Thessalonians 5:15-18

"See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

Romans 12:17-19

" Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sigh of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, NEVER avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written 'Vengeance is mine, I will repay,' says the Lord."

Truth bombs all around my friends. And I probably talk a ton about prayer but it is our greatest tool in this world. It is our weapon against all things. It is our lifeline and communication to God who is forever on the other line wanting to talk to us. Prayer is life. Prayer changes things. Prayer changes people. Prayer changes hearts. We don't get revenge; we don't do a thing (mind you - genuine justice is another topic) except pray if that's all we can do. God takes care of it in the end game. It may not be that instant and it may not be tomorrow but God has got your back and prayer is one avenue God uses for us to forgive and love others in the midst of hurtful thinking. And I hope we can all pray like Ke$ha because that's when the world is really going to see some amazing mind blowing changes. So there you have it, if Ke$ha can pray for her enemies or for those who have hurt her why can't we especially if we say we are Christians?

I'll leave y'all with that question to ponder and pray over the weekend.




© 2016 by She Captivates

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