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I don't intend to get all mystical with you here. But what if you had a card in your back pocket, containing the exact number of days you had left on this earth. Would you look at it? Do you think it would affect your daily decisions, demeanor or attitude?

Last week, my friend Tim died from the cruel disease called ALS. For those of you who are not familiar with it, ALS is a rapid-moving sickness which cripples its victims by attacking their nervous system and eventually takes their life. Within a few years after diagnosis, people with ALS usually die due to breathing difficulties, as they can no longer muster up enough strength to take another breath. It is as horrible as it sounds. No kind person would wish this disease on anyone. But my friend Tim handled and endured all of it with a calm, peace and understanding that ONLY God could provide.

He never once doubted or questioned God's sovereignty, complained, or became bitter - even though most people would say he had every right to do so. Tim's final few years and death have got me thinking... What, if anything, am I entitled to in this life? Reasonable health? A certain amount of wealth? Seamless relationships? Worldly success? I'm thinking not. I am certainly grateful when these things fall into place, but I don't believe I should expect or demand those things from God. And neither did Tim, thankfully. Tim understood that this world and this life are going to give you trouble. Instead of himself, it could have been his next door neighbor who was diagnosed with ALS, but Tim didn't entertain that thought for a minute. He patiently endured what was to come his way, trusting that God would provide the strength he needed. He also used his last number of years to preach and teach and encourage, even though he was confined to a wheel chair.

So if we are not to expect everything to go our way all of the time, what should we (as followers of Jesus Christ) expect? Galations chapter 5 verses 22-23 lays it out pretty finely I think. It says that the fruit of the Spirit (or the attitudes that we possess as believers) is...

love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Now, back to the note in your pocket thing: If you knew how much time you had left, would it change the way you live? Aside from perhaps quitting your job or something like that, would it affect your decisions, your attitudes, or your actions? Life is a precious gift, and those of us who are called into God's family have an even greater gift that awaits called eternal life. This week I am reminded of how relatively short life here on earth is. And yet also of how important it is.

I personally am encouraged by Tim's example, in knowing that no matter what comes my way, the good Lord will provide everything I need. I am also inspired to live more intentionally, and to be grateful for what I have. I am not necessarily talking about those things that we might normally list off as being grateful for. But being grateful for who I am and what I have in Christ (think fruits of the Spirit). I hope you are too. :)


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