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Promises (& Double Rainbows)

I have got to be straight up honest with you all. I had some major struggles writing this blog post. I don’t even know why really, I just couldn’t seem to get my thoughts gathered and I have been going back and forth all week about what topic I wanted to use.

Now I know this may seem a bit cliché but as I was looking out my window pondering what to write about an absolutely stunning rainbow appeared and it just hit me, promises! God created the rainbow to remind us that His promises are true and that is exactly what it did for me today. I don’t know about you but I personally need to learn A LOT more about rooting God’s promises in my heart and believing them with my whole being. Let me share with you a bit about where my head has been these past few months.

Myself and my husband are currently in a very exciting time of our life as we expect the arrival of our first baby this July. Since November I have been going through a whole slew of emotions and events. First, there is the joy of telling friends and family - watching their faces light up and feeling their excitement is something to be treasured. Then that first ultrasound happens, where you can actually see this wee little baby and hear the heartbeat all of a sudden making it feel very real. Then, comes all the planning, getting the baby room ready, making the necessary doctor appointments, thinking about names, etc. At that point the reality of what was happening kind of smacked me in the face where I realized my husband and I are bringing a life into this world that will be 100% dependent on us. This baby will need diapers, bottles, clothes…that is going to cost a lot of money…when am I going to go off work…how do I know if I am capable of being a good mom…how will this change my marriage…. the list goes on and on!

Now I think that there is some normality to these thoughts as majority of new parents will probably tell you, it is a life altering event that is totally unknown until you are experiencing it for yourself. However, I think that a lot of them have to do with fear which Melissa touched on in her last blog post. Fear will lead us down the wrong path, consuming every single thought and robbing us of the joy and peace that Christ so freely offers us. As I draw closer to my due date I am realizing that unfortunately I have been giving fear way too much space in my head. But the great news is that I don’t have to give fear another single second of my time if I can constantly be walking in trust with God!

What I have been learning over the past few years and am continually learning on a daily basis is that I can fully depend on and trust in God’s promises. He has never given us a false promise and He never EVER will. He is a perfect Father who will never fail and only wants to be in a constant personal relationship with us.

Here are just a very few of the promises that we can find in the bible:

Hebrews 13:5 - God will never leave me or forsake me

Romans 8:28 - All things works together for my good

Romans 8:35 -  Nothing can ever separate me from God’s love

Matthew 6:26, Philippians 4:19 - God cares for all my needs

Galatians 6:7 -  I will reap what I sow

1 John 5:11 -  I have been given eternal life

2 Corinthians 7:6 - God comforts the broken hearted

I really encourage you today to read through the bible and find even more promises that stand out to you personally, there are hundreds of them in there! 

He has given us all these promises simply because He loves us, isn’t that such a beautiful thing?  


© 2016 by She Captivates

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