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Keep on Keep'n on

Ministry, my friends is hard. It is so fulfilling but hard as well. In fact, doing anything that I love or have a deep passion for can be exhausting. There’s a saying that if you do what you love then you’ll never work a day in your life. But, really my friends, you will work. You will work so hard because it is something that fuels the passion inside of you. There is a misconception that enjoying something you do (specifically these days in reference to a job) means it is easy peasy. But, it tends to be quite the opposite because when you enjoy what you do you put so much effort into whatever it maybe because you’re passionate about it. This passion puts a light in you that shines for others to see. Hard work and dedication are good qualities to own when pursuing your passion; not a stumbling block. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we can see a positive light in others when we catch a glimpse of someone chasing after, finding, and honing in on their passion. The same goes for us. God instills those specific passions for a reason. He wants that light to shine; to spread warmth to those around us because in the end it all points back to Him. But, what happens when the light that burns so hot in our souls for that one passion is being directly targeted with negative feedback by others and even worse our own deep thoughts?

Just say IN JESUS NAME…. now say it with me….

Whoah! I’ll just pump on the breaks real quick ‘because that probably seemed odd. Why would I say “In Jesus’ Name”? Because His name is powerful; His name makes any enemy flee from those things He wants us to pursue. Now, I’m not necessarily saying that you should start screaming at a friend “In Jesus’ name get outta here!” every time they disagree with you or even harp on that passion we were discussing previously. However, words are powerful and thoughts can be affirming or deceiving. So here’s the deal my dear friends there are going to be times when the Lord wants you to do something and literally all hell will break loose. (I admit, this happens to me with She Captivates.) The enemy (and yes there is an enemy - his name is Satan) will try to throw any and every obstacle in your way to prevent you from doing that said passion that God specifically called you to do. And, sometimes God calls us to do things we do not always think is “our” passion but when we follow God’s lead it becomes just that and again when we listen to Him all hell will break loose. It’s only a matter of time.

This is not supposed to be a Debbie Downer moment; I promise. On contrary I hope this encourages you sweet souls. Through those moments of doing what God wants you to do (those passions) they are going to be super fulfilling. You will literally feel a happy in your heart but it will take work and perseverance because the enemy does NOT want the plans God has for you to happen. Satan will do everything in his power to make this happen. Those are the moments we need to just breathe and say “In Jesus’ name, get out of here. Leave my thoughts; leave the discouragements of others at the door. They are not welcome here in Jesus’ name.” Prayer is our weapon; Jesus is our weapon. There will be strangers, even the closest people to us who discourage us through those times. We will even find that our minds are our worst enemies spilling out thoughts and feelings that will try to dissuade us from doing what God has called us to do. It is hard work. It can be exhausting. It can feel like the whole world is against you. I understand; really, I do. But, in those moments know that God is by your side. Trust Him – not yourself, not other opinions but God alone. He can get you through. He is rooting you on. He is with you on this journey whether you are loving every moment or want to break loose from it all. And know this truth; your trust in God and following whatever He has laid on your heart is intimidating to the enemy. That’s right. Why do you think he is working overtime to make you second guess the path you are taking? He is intimidated; which means you are going the right direction.

I tend to feel more overwhelmed when I’m diving into what God wants me to do and that’s when I know to keep going. That’s when I say that prayer “In Jesus’ name leave discouragement.” And in those times God always shows up. Usually it’s nothing glamorous but a subtle reminder to keep going because the destination will be well worth the wait.

Love ya ladies and I hope this encourages you all through the weekend. Do not give up; we have a choice to trust and keep going. My prayer for you and even myself is to keep going even when it feels like the whole world is against us because I know who created the world and all things which means He trumps all those things by a landslide.

P.S. I've also given some verses that speak these truths; if you ever feel discouraged this week please read them and be reminded that God's got this; so keep following that rainbow to that pot 'ol gold! :)

1. 1 Peter 5:8 "Be sober-minded, be alert! Your adversary the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour."

2. Romans 8:31 "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?"

3. Psalm 139:1-4 (OR just the whole Chapter!) Seriously, it's great!

And if that didn't ring true for any of y'all, watch my girl (I don't really know her but I wish I did LOL) Priscilla Shirer on Youtube and her speaking about Letting Go. Hits this right on the nail :)




© 2016 by She Captivates

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