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The Christmas High

As we come off the sugar high of the holiday spirit and we prepare ourselves to enter back into the reality of “adulting”- with work, kids, schedules, stress and all the goodness that comes into adjusting into a new year, I have really been struggling with the lack of focus I had this Christmas. I started shopping for Christmas back in June, Christmas music was playing on my Spotify the first of November and I made sure my decorations and tree were up the week of Thanksgiving. Does that give you an image on how much I love this season? I LOVE Christmas. Everything about it brings me absolute pure joy: the lights, the music, the atmosphere, and each breath I take fills my lungs with Christmas ecstasy. I also love the community coming together with coat donations, food drives and kindness that fills the streets 10x over. However, as the gifts I spent hours wrapping and had put so much thought into were opened and Christmas day came to an end, I realized how easily it is to forget what this season, this holiday is really about. He is in the name, CHRIST-mas. What a man… what a worthy king to be praised. But even if you completely enthralled yourself in the meaning of Christmas this season and did not get wrapped up in the other festivities that can so easily sway us, why is it that we go through a Christ high only for this month, let alone only for a day?

I can’t be the only one who got completely carried away in the thoughts of the food, the presents and the celebrations with family. Is it not really a bad thing to want to shower someone in love and spread a little joy?! Definitely not; but what I really want to know, for myself as well as for my fellow sisters and brothers in Christ, is how can I take this feeling, this pure child-like joy, and take it into 2017 with me while really throwing myself into a stronger relationship with the Lord. The Lord that was born with such a purpose, that He died for me. He loves me in a way that EVERY SINGLE DAY He thinks of me, and celebrates the little milestones I make. Why is it so easy to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ but celebrating His birthday is more about the gifts and events planned? I am going to be blunt here with my next question. Why is it that church is packed with people on Easter, but then on Christmas half the congregation (if even) attends? I am guilty of this. My family and I went out of town and did not make an attempt to go to a service. Did I feel convicted at the time? No, I really did not – it actually did not even cross my mind. I was with my family and celebrating His birth as a family. However, as I was driving home I realized that I had been so stressed about the Christmas shopping, decorations and driving out of town that those things sidetracked me from the reason of this season. He got a thank you from me in the morning, He got a prayer when we were about to eat and when I went to bed that night (I thanked him for everything and the blessings from the day). If I can barely pay Him the attention He deserves on His birthday, what does that say about the attention I am giving Him throughout the year?

So what do we do? Our lives are beyond busy! I do not even have a husband and children and I can barely keep track of myself, let alone insure I am spending enough time with my main man--Jesus! I could not even throw Him a proper party on His birthday… I was too distracted. So again I ask this questions: what do we do? I know for myself, I cannot allow 2017 to be the same as this year. I cannot just acknowledge Him on the holidays and then intend to live my life the same way – making excuses. Here is my game plan – make a new game plan. The only way to change a broken system is to make a new one. When you see your efforts failing approach with a different solution. Do not keep attempting to tackle a problem with the same method.

With this being said, you have to write down your plans for 2017 and take it straight to the Big Kahuna. Then take time with Him to make sure your game plan matches with His. You may also need to detox the things that are distracting you from Him; you know the things that are your regular excuses that snatch away time from Him. You may need to separate yourself from those things. I do understand that maybe you feel that you are beyond swamped by life such as kids, hubs, friends, even church. You probably should not consider detoxing from them. The way I plan on cleansing and getting my sights back on track is 30 days no secular music and 30 days consistent devotional. It is as simple as taking 30 days off watching your favorite television show, or 30 days no social media. The things that we find use with take up all our free time. Let’s take a break from them and spend that time with Jesus.

Take your New Year resolutions to Him, your 5 year plans, your 20 year plans, your fears, your worries – take them to Him and let Him sign them off for you. Do not let another year go by until it’s Christmas again and you are back to being anxious and stressed over presents and family gatherings. Jesus not only died for us, He was born specifically for us! He came to save us, to love us, and to teach us how to be more like Him. I do not know about you but that sparks something inside of me, it makes me thirsty for a change. It makes me thirsty for Him. I do not want 2017 to be the same as this year. I want to change at the core – which is my heart, which will then leak into my mind and from there it will guide my actions. I desire to be a stronger warrior for Jesus and not sway so easily.

Do not let this year guide you aimlessly, let Jesus guide this year for you and seek Him instead of seeking your fears.

I am ready for a change, are you?

Happy New Year everyone, we have to prepare in order to change.

Stay strong warrior women!


© 2016 by She Captivates

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