Be Still in this Season

Today I want to give you a challenge.
Christmas time is finally here, and it’s so easy to let the holidays fly past us without really centering ourselves in the core meaning of the season.
So let’s turn to the Word: “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)
You’ve probably heard this verse 1 million times. But hear it again.
If you’re anything like me, you blinked and suddenly October and November were just gone. Poof! Just like that! And suddenly your mind was filled with the most epic to-do list ever. Which includes but is not limited to: making plans to see/ visit everyone you love, finding the perfect gift for each of those previously mentioned people, freaking out because oh em gee where is my time and money going?, baking, sleeping?... nah! No time for sleep! And the list goes on and on.
But you know what I find ironic about my Christmas to-do list? Very little of it has anything to do with what I’m actually celebrating… the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior!!!
Now, don’t misunderstand me. We have some very sweet and beautiful Christmas traditions that always get my heart in line with this sweet season of the year, but in the next few days especially, I’m going to be very intentional to find some quiet time; open up to chapter 2 in the book of Luke and read about my Savior’s entrance into this world.
And I’m going to be still. And I’m going to focus on knowing my God. The one that sent His son to be born in a manger so that He could live and die for me.
Man… That’s something to be still and know, right?
Merriest Christmas to you all, sweet friends! Praying travel mercies and sweet blessings over you all as your celebrate this most joyous season with the people you love!!!