Speaking Truth

Hey Friends,
It’s Karin.
Last time I wrote (which was forever ago!) I talked about surrender and how I believe it is the greatest adventure; to let go of all your control and let God go wild. It’s been so long since I last wrote that there’s a good chance you probably don’t remember the story I told.
Man in the Walmart parking lot ring a bell? That happened November 9, 2015. Exactly a year ago. It’s been the craziest year I maybe have ever experienced and God has just completely blown my mind!
One of the adventures he took me on shortly after that day was starting my own jewelry business. The reason I tell you this is because of the name I believe God gave me for the business.
Surrendered Steps.
I was going to go with Karin’s Kreation’s. Lame, I know.
I know God gave me this name because of how accurately it depicts the journey I began to embark on and because I believe He wants to use it for so much more than just making earrings... and He already has.
It’s a different name and I knew I’d be asked about it. We all have different gifts and while I’m pretty darn sure I don’t have the gift of evangelism. However, I do believe that as believers we are called to share and spread the good news in the different opportunities that God presents us.
For some reason this still makes me nervous. It is more than someone thinking I’m an idiot, but really I’m actually most worried about what my response would be someone. I’m more so nervous my response would be so inadequate or so sheepish that I would just look like a fool instead of a proud daughter of the King of the Universe!
The first time I was asked about it was during my summer job. I was working at a winery where I sold my earrings as well. After they had commented on them I told them I was the person who made them. They asked where the name ‘Surrendered Steps’ came from. I thought to myself, “Okay, first time. Here we go!”
I told them that it came about around a time in my life where I was learning to surrender my life. I came to this understanding that there was no point in trying to control it anymore and that I needed to trust that God’s plans were wwaaaayyy better.
And then that potentially awkward silence…
“Wow, cool. We’re actually both on very similar journeys with God too!”
We continued to chat some more and it was just so neat. I didn’t expect that at all.
And then it happened again last weekend while I was a vendor at a Christmas market. The lady responded with, “Oh, I learned to surrender not too long ago either. It’s hard but it was the best thing I’ve ever done.”
Not expecting that either.
These two instances just reminded me and encouraged me to not be afraid. Really there are only three things that can happen.
They think you’re the weirdest person ever.
What you said gets them thinking more about life and who God is.
You crossed paths with another believer and potentially encouraged them while encouraging you as well.
Are any of those so life threatening that they just want to make you curl up and hide for decades? Sometimes I feel like such a wimp when I hear stories of people literally risking their lives and sometimes losing them because of sharing the gospel. And here I am hesitant to share the meaning behind a business name at a Christmas market! Pfft.
But God is so gracious. Yes, He wants me to gain new perspective and see the world outside of my little tiny space but he also gets where I’m at too. He gets it because He’s created us and therefore knows every bit of our being. My context and challenge still has value and meaning to Him. He loves me deeply therefore wants to see me grow in this without condemning me.
I think this is something quite a few of us struggle with (or I’m just telling myself that to make me feel better *insert wink face* ) because the world has so much to say about Christianity and the majority of the time it’s not good. But if you turn off the media and just have a regular loving and respectful conversation with everyday people around you, I think we’ll find that there are very hungry people out there eager to listen; as well as other believers who need encouragement too. I am so easily deceived into thinking that nobody wants to hear about it, nobody cares, and everyone will think I’m crazy.
Not true.
This for me is just another opportunity to learn to surrender. Acting. Speaking. Loving without borders. We don’t know what’s next. We don’t know what someone’s reaction will be but we do know that God leads, speaks, loves, and conquers all fear. He will use us in extraordinary ways when we surrender and decide to live step by step into the unknown, as big or little as it may seem.
“Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.” – Colossians 4:6