All the Single Ladies!

Can I just give a quick shout out to all the single ladies? I do not want to single out the amazing married and taken women of God because you are so valued in our lives. However, I want to just take a second to talk about “the season of singleness” and acknowledge the ladies who are diligently waiting for their men of God to arrive... Finally.
This season. This season of my life has been a roller-coaster. One second I understand why I am single – full-time job, makeup artistry consuming any free time on the weekends, and throw in a passion for fitness and I have no time! I barely make it to coffee dates with my girls. I can see that the timing is just not right. However, seconds later I am day dreaming of the man God has for me out there somewhere. Dreaming about the ministry we will be able to have together and of the life we will spend together until death do us part. When I notice these thoughts happening more frequent, I realize that environment strongly effects how I feel about being single. The movies I watch, the music I listen to and sometimes even the amazing friends around me who have incredible romantic relationships. Sometimes it just feels like I am swimming in a sea of love.
My last blog I talked a little bit about my brother’s wedding on September 11th, 2016. What I didn’t mention was while they were doing their first dance as husband and wife I was sobbing. SOBBING. I was the one bridesmaid weeping in the corner stuffing my face with fabulous Italian food. I was not sobbing out of sadness, I was crying because I was so happy for the two of them. You could honestly feel the love (which makes me want to sing the Lion King “Can You Feel the Love Tonight”). I felt myself dwelling on the fact that I have never truly been in love or had someone be in love with me. Here I was watching a truly amazing couple who could not take their eyes off each other and I felt a cloud come over me that screamed “Lonely”. I felt like I was in a movie. You know the one who is the third wheel who always gives really good advice but never ends up with anyone by the end of the movie. Actually, if you think about it – where do those characters even go? The movie ends with a huge kiss and maybe even a wedding, but where is the friend who stayed single the whole movie and encouraged the couple to push through?
Sometimes it is so hard to be encouraging to those who are in relationships when we can feel so miserable and lonely. In my field as a makeup artist, I wouldn’t trade the world for the satisfactions I get from making a bride feel ready for her big day. However, this career choice has definitely made waiting for my husband 100 times harder. I love hearing how the bride and groom met and what they love about each other, and it is truly amazing how The Lord works. Some of my clients waited years upon years to meet someone, let alone finally get married, whereas others it was an instant “I know you’re the one”. I find myself praying before I go to bed, “Please don’t forget me Lord. Please send him soon.” I cannot be the only one who prays this prayer! But what I have come to see is though an innocent prayer what I should actually be praying is “Lord, let you will be done in my life. Make me ready for your plans, make my husband ready for your timing.” It is so easy to lose sight that our timing is really never God’s timing. I think we all know this… but we fight it. You can ask any of my best friends, at least once during our coffee dates I comment on myself being ready to get married. Every. Single. Coffee. Date. They just nod their heads but I know the conversation is getting old. Until I can truly accept that the Lord is in control of not only my life but in that life, my relationships, then I am not ready for one. And maybe my husband is in the same season of life.
So now what do we do about it? Just pretend to be fine when we do not feel fine? No, we are human and Jesus understands that. What we need to do in this time of waiting is praying that the Lord’s desires for our lives become our desires. We need to continue to pray for our future husband’s purity, to have strength in the waiting season, and for him to become the man of God that he will need to be to take on such amazing women as we are ;). Do not take this time of singleness for granted. During this time, pray that the Lord reveals to you what He wants you to accomplish as a single lady. Pray that He grows you into the woman of God He has planned you to be, and pray that He will move you in His perfect direction. I know that the moment I align my desires with the Lord’s desires, I will be completely content in Him. I will not ache to be loved by someone else, so if it is His will for me to get married then I will be content whatever and whenever that happens.
I want to lead you in prayer today. I want us to unite together as single women and pray for our future husband as often as we can.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We humble ourselves before you, as daughters in Christ. We love You and pray that our lives be pleasing to You. Lord, we thank You for this season of our lives, that we can grow our relationship with You and grow in maturity. We pray that You will blossom us into the prayer warriors that You have deemed us to be. Father, we pray for our mighty warrior husbands. We pray that You will lead and guide them, that You will be their lifeline. We ask that You keep their minds and bodies pure, that You will fill the voids in them that are preventing them from seeking You full heartedly. Lord, remove the burdens that they carry, make their weight light as a feather and help them to desire Your heart. Lord we thank You for our husbands, and we ask that You bless them right this very moment and bring them an overwhelming joy and peace only found in You. Thank You for this time to grow as individuals so when we are together we will already be whole people as individuals and truly be able to further Your kingdom.
In Jesus name,
Have faith ladies. There is a reason for this season. Take all of that attention and love that you would be putting towards your husband, and aim it directly at Jesus. We are His bride. Rest in the simple fact that He loves us more than any man could and that He longs for us to desire Him first and foremost. I am excited to see what the Lord does in each one of your lives and to hear the testimonies.