Understanding Clouds

Since graduating from college last May, there have been many storms in my life: mainly in my professional career, relationships, and finances—likely the same three on your list. At first, the storms consistently caught me by surprise, but gradually I learned to recognize the "clouds" in my life before the storm. No, this hasn't prevented storms from occurring, but it has made me more in tune to my emotions, mind, and spirit: life’s preferred barometers.
Indeed, on a day like today-- when the demands of the corporate working world are at their highest—I am compelled to refine my " storm forecasting" skills. So, in the paragraphs that follow, I will outline my latest forecasting "toolkit"—Understanding Clouds—for your utilization as well!
For some clouds—the friendlier of the bunch—no downpour will occur. However, for others, I must grab the nearest "umbrella"—prayer, meditation, calling my mom, or going for a walk—to protect me through the storm. It is for this reason (and their fluffy, cuddly appearance) that clouds mesmerize me. You might say, 'Clouds and I see eye-to-sky!'
A little background on cloud formation:
(WARNING: Nerd-Mega Alert)
"When warm air rises, it expands and cools. Cool air can't hold as much water vapor as warm air, so some of the vapor condenses onto tiny pieces of dust that are floating in the air and forms a tiny droplet around each dust particle. When billions of these droplets come together they become a visible cloud."
Source: www.weatherwizkids.com
You may snicker at the source, but this simplified overview of cloud creation is insightful! Similar to warm air initiating the creation of clouds in the sky, "heated" situations in our life also cause "clouds" to form in our life. If we don't control the movement of these "heated" situations in our life, they'll inevitably consume more and more of our time and mental space. Anxiety, tension, anger, moodiness, jealousy, and other 'droplets' move from that one area of our life and disperse into others—attaching to 'dust' in our life and forming clouds in our mind, heart, spirit, and body. Now, don't worry! This is not inherently a bad thing. Clouds are also sources of dreams, a blueprint of destiny, and a preferred communication median of supernatural powers in many cultures and texts. In fact, the same "heating up" process can be used to disperse positive droplets of love, joy, peace, and kindness to form clouds in our life as well.
I've found that the key in controlling the creation of negative, ominous clouds and positive, refreshing clouds in our life is knowing the type of cloud being formed and how it was formed. (WARNING: Nerd-Mega, cont'd) There are ten major cloud groups: classified by the elevation at which they form and shape. Depending on the elevation (and therefore classification), one can predict weather changes and storms. These classifications have been critical in improving meteorology and weather forecasts. Imagine the impact of a similar approach in our lives! Can't think of one of the top of your head? Here's a quick example:
Spring of this year, I was dissatisfied with my sales job and had been feeling the stirrings of a storm for a few months. Feeling a similar unrest, four other coworkers left in the span of a month. Eager to leave before the full "downpour," I created an exit strategy only to run into my next employer on the elevator a month and a half before I was planning to leave. Had I moved on my own without waiting for the proper "umbrella", I would have been out in the storm with no cover. Thankfully, God moves in clouds and sees the storms of our life coming far before we're ever aware there's even a chance of rain.
"The LORD was going before them in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them on the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night. He did not take away the pillar of cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people."
Exodus 13:21-22
Remember: when life's clouds begin to form, take some time to study them and, if needed, grab the appropriate "umbrella" to cover you through the storm. I pray you find peace and joy through the storms ahead, and comfort in the clouds!
Cumulus-ly yours,