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Get Out of Your Bubble & Be Bold

We have all heard the phrase, “Hey, you are in my personal bubble!” right? We essentially use it when we start to feel uncomfortable and want someone to back up. But as I have gotten older I have found that this isn’t just a silly phrase. It forms a mentality and it is a very individualistic one. I didn’t really notice this until I started traveling to other parts of the world and experienced different cultures. In Latin America there is no such thing as a “personal bubble.” Everyone sits on each other laps in the crowded buses, you constantly bump into people when walking down the streets and someone you meet for the very first time has absolutely no problem giving you a couple kisses on the cheek. As a North American this can be quite shocking indeed! However the more time I spent with these people the more beautiful they became. I saw entire communities rally around a family to help raise their children, broken hearted people on the street being hugged and comforted, strangers being prayed for and most importantly the name of Jesus being boldly proclaimed!

Here’s the thing, Jesus loves people! When he was on earth there were multiple accounts of him being with small to very large groups of people. Now don’t get me wrong, alone time is also important and necessary for our own personal growth. Jesus went away at times up a mountain, into the dessert or a garden to be alone with his Father. But after he was refreshed he went right back out to the people. I am sure there were probably times when Jesus was exhausted from travelling and would have been content to just go to bed rather than talking to an entire crowd. But, he had a mission, a calling and a purpose just like we do and sometimes that means dealing with being uncomfortable.

I think I am mainly writing this post today for myself because I love my little bubble. It’s all warm and familiar and I know what to expect; nothing uncomfortable or challenging that’s for sure. But God has really been making me think about this lately. It’s like every sermon I hear these days is about boldness. Every time I look at my fellow colleagues at work I am thinking, “What can I say to make them think about eternity? What can I do to show them the love of Jesus?” But my fear of conflict and being uncomfortable seems to make me shrink right back into myself. We all want to be liked by people and I have noticed especially with myself that I allow this fear of not being liked to sometimes take away from what Jesus wants to do.

Galatians 1:10

"Am I saying this now to win the approval of people or God? Am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be Christ’s servant.”

I would say that verse is pretty clear and a good reminder of who we are here to serve. The thing about that is Jesus is way more awesome than people! The moment I start focusing more on Him and stop being so worried about what people think an amazing change takes place. Because through Jesus we are courageous, bold, strong and confident!

So my friends I think it is time to get out of our bubbles and start living as Jesus lived! It may be scary and intimidating at first but it is definitely more exciting, fulfilling and life changing!


© 2016 by She Captivates

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