The Ultimate Role Model Worth Modeling

Let me ask you a question: Who have you been role modeling lately?
Throughout my lifetime, my "role model" has been everyone from my swimming instructor, to Meg Ryan, to the cashier at Safeway. I don't suggest any of these people as role models, although I'm sure I could have had my sights on far "worse" people.
Here's the thing. There is nothing wrong (and it is even healthy to look up to certain people) with selecting someone to model your behavior after. BUT, because none of us are perfect (in fact, nowhere near perfect), the only person worth modeling in every way is Jesus. You may or may not be familiar with the acronym W.W.J.D., which stands for "What Would Jesus Do?". Some of the decisions we make are complicated, but not all of them. This question could potentially be popping up several times each day. Should I be kind to my husband even though he left his dirty boxers in the middle of the floor again? WWJD. Should I stop and buy the homeless guy begging on the side of the road lunch? WWJD. Should I set aside time to read my Bible, or just look at Facebook a little more? WWJD. Now, my intention is not to make you feel guilty with these questions. I'm just making a point that it is possible to shape our character and therefore our life and reputation based on the decision to model Jesus Christ.
If you are aiming for spiritual perfection (as I am), then we must fix our eyes on Jesus. With anyone else, superficial aspects of their character distract from what is truly important. In different stages of my life, various "earthly" things had strong draw for me. Fame, beauty, popularity, and athletic performance are just to name a few. Hear this: We were designed to bring glory to God; to reflect who He is and unless we are doing just that, we will be disatisfied in what we are doing. I can tell you from personal experience that the things this world has to offer are shallow and fleeting. Lasting contentment comes from the Creator of Life alone. God created us, and therefore understands our needs, our desires, and our purpose even better than we do.
Now, let me take this a step further. Jesus earned the reputation of being a servant during his time on earth. Not because he had no choice. No, he CHOSE to lay down his own wants, his urges, himself, and serve those who were in need. A lot of times I have a bad attitude when it comes to service. I commit to a certain amount of time, resources, etc., and cap it off at that. I look forward to when I am "off the hook" and I can resume my own way of life again. Mark 10:45 says "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." I think this is key. If we do not consider life/our time/our resources our own in the first place, then we are much more inclined to give of ourselves freely.
Philippians 2:3-6
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage.”
Wow. Jesus was and is God. And yet during his time here on earth, he assumed a lowly position as servant to all of mankind. The Bible clearly says that we are to "have the same mindset as Christ Jesus". I know I could use a kick in the pants as far as my humility goes. Sometimes my reason for being a lousy servant is "they don't deserve it" or "I am just too busy" or "I am not cut out for that". I could very well have used any one of those lame excuses to not write this blog post, but would that have been demonstrating my surrender to Jesus Christ? Not at all. I encourage you with this: In and of myself, I am a dud when it comes to servant hood. And yet, when I am willing to surrender myself, my time, my energy, etc. to what God wants me to do, He blesses it. In the times I am able to get over myself, and not worry about my image, my reputation, or my bank account, God uses it to show His awesome self. Being a servant for Jesus can be in your home. It can be in your school. It can be in your workplace. It can be on the streets. I encourage you to be asking yourself throughout the moments of your day: What would Jesus do?