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Ashy on the Inside

Hi friends,

May I tell you something? And I say this in a completely sincere way.

I have been dreading this moment for about two weeks now. I am supposed to be prepared with a blog post. I AM NOT. Honestly, the irony is kind of funny considering what I wrote about last time (expect the unexpected). Usually, The Big Man Upstairs brings something to light but it’s a bit bone dry over here. That being said, I think there is a reason for this…

It’s a reminder…

A wonderful reminder (seriously) that life gets in the way of our relationship with Jesus. And we NEED reminders otherwise we will forever be distracted from a wonderful Maker who wants to love on us all day er’ day. This may sound silly but when you’re out in the hot sun all day and have not had a lick of water, how do you feel?

How about: dry or thirsty?

What do you want most? I would say most likely shade and sweet sweet delicious water.

You notice, maybe not instantly but soon enough that something is not right. Something vital is missing; it’s something that you cannot physically live without or you will eventually die. In good Canadian form, “sorry” but it is true. Well, funny story but the same thing can happen with our relationship with Jesus. There will be “dry spells” per say every now and then. This goes for ALL of us even if you do not have a relationship with Jesus. The dryness we feel (not physically although it could be, I get ashy LOL) spiritually/emotionally is that connection to something greater than ourselves…God. That dryness is always tugging us back to something that gives us “living water” –life.

So, since I am being honest here, I have a question for you. Are you thirsty? OR Do you feel like something is missing?

I hope so friend, because God will never stop pulling at our heart strings.

Whoever, reads this, if you need prayer or just someone to speak with about this please do not hesitate let us know at She Captivates. We have a wonderful group of ladies here who will support you with prayer and even conversation over coffee if you're in the area (‘cause who doesn’t like a caffeine fix every now and then).

John 4:14

“But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”

Psalm 16:5

“Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.”

Psalm 23:5

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”

Captivated by Him,



© 2016 by She Captivates

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