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You are More than Enough

You are enough. Don't shrug that off or take that lightly. You are enough.

What I love about blogging for you amazing ladies is that, we here at "She Captivates" are just as real as you are. We go through struggles and fight some of the same battles every one of you ladies fight. Then, we get to share them with you! For me, personally, I think one of the hardest things to face is the feeling you have a purpose with the question of “are you good enough to follow through on that purpose?” Today I want to open up to you about something that is burning inside my heart, not just because I struggle with it; but because women everywhere have struggled or will struggle with this at some point in their lives.

Let me start with how funny it is that when we finally get our feet somewhat on the ground with consistent quiet times (spending time with God), discipline ourselves in a healthy lifestyle, and seeking the Lord with everything we have, that that is when we get hit the hardest from the Devil. This may seem discouraging, but let me tell you that this is actually a good thing. If you think about it, why would the Devil bother someone who is already on his side? No, no, he is a lion on the prowl for the people who are seeking the Lord with all their heart! 1 Peter 5:8 is a perfect verse in the Bible that shows this. The Devil wants these beautiful moments the Lord blesses us with to not happen! He wants to take us down. So if you are feeling heavy with the weight of the world - REJOICE! You're making the Devil so angry right now! And the Lord is so pleased with you women of strength!

You might be thinking, “Ok Mel, we get the point, the struggle is real, feeling incomplete and barely hanging on is just a part of the Christian walk.” That is not at all what I am saying or what this blog post is about. But my heart is heavy ladies, and I have to get this out. This past week has been a struggle. The reason being, that I have been battling the fear of being E.N.O.U.G.H. and it has hit me like a freight-train.

Let me share with you some real life feels. Confession: sometimes, this walk is a struggle and the only thing I want is a break. Whoa! This may take you aback since my last post I shared my story and a Testimony about the goodness of The Lord; and how basically He made me into the “Incredible Hulk”. It may have seemed like I would never suffer again! However, the truth is the Bible never said our lives would be easy, and it never gave us a road map for the perfect life. What it did give us was literally a guide with answers for situations we will face in life and how to be MORE THAN A CONQUERER during those times (Romans 8:31-37).

Basically, over the past month my situation was having a huge issue with rejection and feeling like the last thing I was, was being enough. As I am typing these words I am almost brought to tears with the weight I feel sometimes; that I will always be second best. As a 24 year old I have experienced a few relationships, some ending on a good note and well, some not. But in those times I continuously felt "he just doesn't want or love me ENOUGH to stick it out. I'm NOT good ENOUGH." This, then, led to other thoughts of “we didn’t work out because I was not enough, he wanted more.” Not only has that thought occurred in relationships but it has also occurred in my friendships. I started feeling that I was becoming baggage for my friends! Maybe I wasn't as funny as their other friends, maybe I wasn't as adventurous, maybe I wasn't enough to be enough for them. I started noticing myself not wanting to go anywhere with my friends. Instead I would stay at home and think about how little I meant to my friends. Sounds pretty pathetic and extremely dramatic, but someone reading this blog may relate very closely with the feelings that I am expressing. This is a real thing! Fear of rejection can cause us to react irrationally. Would it be ok if I share how I have been working on this? Whether you said yes or no, I am going to share it anyway.

I was talking to one of my best friends one day and out of the blue she said "you're one of those people who look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself ‘you are beautiful,’ I just know it.” It was so random but so very true. What I have had to start doing is before I do my hair, my makeup, put real clothes on (clothes that do not include my shark onesie pajamas) I do tell myself "You are beautiful, God made you just the way you are and you are perfectly made in His image.” Then I start my day and get ready. Some people may scoff at that, maybe think that is a little conceited? I do not know, but the truth is that the Devil attacks us in our insecurities ladies. And that is exactly where I struggle. If you struggle with feeling enough, with feeling less of a woman, with feeling ugly, the Devil is going to shoot an arrow right into that target and you will slowly allow everything that is true about what God has said you are, die. So first things first, if you need to look at yourself in the mirror every morning, at your most vulnerable state (meaning, bed head and everything) then you do that! You fight the Devil with the truth! The truth that God made you perfect and wonderfully made (just read psalm 139:14), I'm not making this stuff up!

Then, next, start studying and digging into the word (the Bible) on verses about being enough in God’s eyes. I simply Googled “Verses on being enough” and what I found was amazing! We are nothing without Jesus. He makes us everything we are! He MAKES us enough. As I find a verse that touches my heart and encourages me, I either set it as a reminder on my phone to go off every day at a certain time or I write it on my mirror and read it in the morning. Soon enough I have the verse memorized so when I feel hit with the weight of insecurity I am reminded about self-worth and what The Lord thinks about me. The same thing can be done with you.

Lastly, let your friends in on how you are struggling. Do not hide something like this from them because the more prayer the better! If you have great best friends like I do, then they are going to want to cover you in prayer. This also means they might not let you continue to be a hermit and force you to get out of your bed. But I am telling you, this will indeed make you feel better. Ladies, do not let the Devil steal your SECURITY. Remember that the Devil has a separate plan for you than what Jesus has planned for you and you have to cling to the security and hope that is in the name of Jesus.

Always remember, you are more than that failed relationship, more than your body image, you are more than the defeats in your past. You are MORE than Enough and that God is MORE than ENOUGH to get you through it all. You are more than the labels you have placed on yourself, you are more than the girl you see in the mirror, and you are more than any insecurity. Don't shrug that off or take that lightly. Value yourself because God created you with purpose and value knowing that He was ENOUGH to make you more than ENOUGH for any struggles that may come your way in this life.


© 2016 by She Captivates

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