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Step Out & Be Blessed

This whole week I’ve been wondering what I would write about. I feel like I should’ve thought about it long before when I knew I’d be posting on this day but life just gets away from you, ya know? And that’s happening this week too. My mind has been bombarded with all the things that will be happening this summer and I’m in total organizational planning mode. It’s a rare thing. You should see my bedroom. Not organized at all. But when I get into that mode there’s no slowing down. I’m going away tomorrow for a couple of days and so I keep thinking, “Karin, you gotta get this blog thing done NOW!”

And then there it is. Rest.

You’d think I’d learn that by now. I’ve just had the wildest seven months of my life. Quitting my job with nothing lined up afterwards to seeing God work in mysterious and miraculous ways to provide for me. That’s an interesting thing to learn after being single for twelve years and starting to think, “Hey, I’m gettin’ pretty good at this whole independent woman/I can take care of myself sorta deal.” And then the King of the universe comes in and is like, “Ya, that’s my job actually. Take a step back and let me show you how extravagantly I can take care of you!”

It was seriously one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had. I had no consistent work, just “random” paying opportunities that came out of “nowhere”. Every single bill was paid. And the funniest thing being that I was less worried about money than when I had a full time secure job with a pay cheque that I knew was always going to be the same.

God was working in my heart in such a way that would cause me to rely on Him again and in more ways than just financially. I believe He gave me that little but significant chapter of my life to have me remember and hold dear to who He is for the next chapter of craziness. Which I seem to be in. I’m loving it but it’s amazing how quickly I jump into self-sufficient mode and then not too long after realize how tired I am. Go figure.

God is MORE than capable to care for us and carry us. It’s a simple and brief message but can you imagine what difference it would make if we walked in the truth of this every single day? I’m guessing we’d all be a lot less frantic and stressed.

Who’s in??!


© 2016 by She Captivates

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