Ordinary is Extraordinary

Hi ya’ll!
In case you do not know who I am, my name is Helena. I wanted to be the first to welcome you to She Captivates. It is truly a blessing that you would take the time to click on a link or even type in the web address to check out this blog. Myself and few amazing ladies (Melissa, Karin, Katie, Chaun, and Kristina) have joined together because something greater than ourselves wanted us to talk about life with Him. And by “Him” I am referring to the Big Man Upstairs, yes, God. I thought I would clarify that before I went any further. A crazy bearded man with bad breathe living in an underground storage container unit is not leading this train. Now that that is out of the way I would like to explain a little about She Captivates. I know many of you have seen similar blogs but if this place somehow brings encouragement to one woman or even one man then ROCK ON! We are not going to put G-d in a box here; we are going to speak truth. Literally we are going to write about what is going on in our lives, businesses, and most of all our relationship with Jesus. This is not for the faint of heart. Our lives and our stories will sometimes if not most of the time (insert wink face here) are messy and crazy but nonetheless beautiful. You could say that we are just ordinary women writing posts but it is not true. The same goes for each and every one of you. She Captivates wants you to know that your “ordinariness” is actually quite extraordinary. Please do not forget this crucial truth. There is no one quite like you in this world.
A lot of the times the smallest things we do in our lives can affect those around us. It may seem ordinary or normal but instead how we talk, act, and treat others can turn a person’s day around; even if it is a small compliment. Please remember, you’re worth is significant. She Captivates wants you to know that G-d put you on this planet for a reason. That through the posts you see on this blog that you are reminded that you are extraordinary.
Captivatingly Yours,
Helena Pedersen